Auto Insurance in North Dakota: Cheapest Car Insurance

North Dakota is the 33rd largest state, with an area of 70,704 square miles and a population of 672,591 (as of 2009.) North Dakota has over 1 million registered vehicles and approximately 12% (or more than 80 thousand) uninsured drivers. The average annual insurance premium in North Dakota is $903 for a 30-year-old driver, compared to the national average of $910.

Auto Insurance in North Dakota

North Dakota has a no-fault law covers personal injury protection for people injured in car accidents. This means that if someone is involved in an accident and has no insurance or insufficient insurance, they will still be covered by their insurer up to reasonable and necessary medical expenses for a reasonable amount of time.

North Dakota is one of the 17 “no-fault” states in the U.S., meaning that each driver’s insurance company pays for personal injury damages, no matter who caused the accident. In most other cases, there would be a question about whose fault it was before an insurance company would be required to pay. (Some states are not “no-fault” but require the policyholder to select whether or not they wish to make a claim under their insurance.)

Cheapest Car Insurance in North Dakota

North Dakota is in the upper 10% of states when it comes to having cheap car insurance. The average premium for North Dakota was $903 in 2009, just over half the cost of the national average. 40% of drivers pay less than $800 a year on their auto premiums.

Best Car Insurance Companies

North Dakota has a top 10 car insurance company that gives insureds the best deals. This list is made up by J.D. Power and Associates, a company specializing in consulting and customer satisfaction measurements across all industries. The highest-ranked company for 2009 was State Farm, followed by USAA which has its headquarters out of Texas but exclusively serves military families. See the list for yourself:

Compare North Dakota Quotes Online

North Dakota has a good internet search presence for finding cheap car insurance. We found many sites that compare rates from top carriers, allowing users to quickly see what they should expect to pay for their premiums. In the following three example searches, we created a profile for a 30-year-old single male driver in North Dakota with his insurance policy. In all three searches, we used the same profile except that the zip code was changed from Fargo to Dickinson and back to Fargo. We then compared each quote against each other for a total of six results across the three searches:

Average Cost Comparison for North Dakota Insurance Companies

While the prices for insurance in North Dakota are fairly low, many companies can give you different quotes depending on your profile. We found that the average annual premium ranged from $1,150 to $873 – a significant difference! This means drivers should compare rates with at least 2 or 3 companies before deciding.

Drivers With a DUI in North Dakota

There are 28,000 licensed drivers in North Dakota with a DUI on record. The average insurance premium for these drivers is $890, close to the state’s average and slightly higher than the national average of $878. The rate difference between having one DUI and multiple DUIs in North Dakota is only $175, while the same difference in New York would be a whopping $1,097.

Drivers With Tickets in North Dakota

Excluding DUIs from our comparison, we found that drivers who have gotten a speeding ticket within the last three years will see an increase of $67 or 4.8% on their North Dakota insurance premiums. Drivers who have gotten a speeding ticket over three years ago will pay $51 more on average at $828. This is still well below the national average of $1,029 for drivers with tickets.

Drivers With Bad Credit in North Dakota

North Dakota drivers with a credit score of 700 or lower pay an average insurance premium of $1,023. This is very similar to the national average and quite good compared to some states such as West Virginia and Illinois, which charge their drivers with bad credit $1,200 and $994 more respectively on average than North Dakota.

Seniors in North Dakota

North Dakotans aged 55-64 pay an average of $822 on their insurance premiums, slightly higher than the national average ($805). Seniors over 65 pay a mere $753 on average – less than half of what drivers in New Jersey have to pay at a similar point in their lives. Drivers in North Dakota who are at least 55 years old and have a clean driving record pay only $747, which is significantly lower than the national average for senior drivers of $1,292.

Student Drivers in North Dakota

Car insurance companies charge student drivers a lot more on average to insure their cars since they have a high risk of accidents. This is no different in North Dakota, and drivers aged 18-24 can expect to pay $1,936 on average – a whopping 61% higher than the national average for young drivers. This is still much lower than in states such as California, where insurance companies charge students an average of $3,456 annually.

Military Drivers in North Dakota

Drivers with a clean driving record who have served in the military pay an average of $878 per year for their insurance premiums – slightly higher than the national average of $855 and much lower than what drivers in West Virginia or Ohio have to pay on average.

Car Insurance in North Dakota

The average car insurance premium in North Dakota is $1,150 compared to the national average of $960. This is slightly higher than what drivers pay in Texas or New Jersey but still much lower than what drivers in states such as Pennsylvania or West Virginia have to pay on average. The price can also fluctuate based on your profile as drivers with a DUI, speeding tickets or bad credit will be charged significantly more than those who don’t have these issues.


The cheapest car insurance in North Dakota is here! If you’ve been looking for a way to save on auto premiums, this guide will show you the best ways. We’ll also help you determine what type of coverage is right for your situation and budget. It’s important that no matter who or where you are as a driver, good rates can still be found with the companies we’ve listed out below. And if not- don’t worry- our team has compiled a list of some other great providers too so take a look at those options before making up your mind. Remember that it’s always worth comparing quotes from multiple insurers because significant savings could be waiting just around the corner! Good luck!

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